11+ Course

Our 11+ programme starts for pupils in year 4, although we do have many joining in year 5 who go on to being successful. We cover all four areas which are to be assessed, namely, English, Maths, Non-verbal & Verbal reasoning.

As all pupils have varying abilities, we are happy to say that we can differentiate toward getting the best from all. Please be aware that a basic standard of attainment is required to be successful for this course – not everyone will tell you this. Parents should consider this when deciding to put their child forward for any entrance test. If you are not sure, we are happy to offer our guidance.

We also have provision in place for pupils who wish to carry on their study with a focus on Maths and English only which will have significant benefits for pupils at school.  

Our small group-based learning enables pupils to thrive in both character and academics. We love to see the children grow in this environment where they feel relaxed and confident to share their learning and ask questions when they make a mistake. Teaching in close proximity to the young children enables us to spot misconceptions instantly, even before the children notice themselves. Addressing these issues as soon as they manifest is essential to plugging knowledge gaps. We believe empowering parents to know where their child is struggling is also fundamental in giving the pupil the best support possible. This enables pupils to improve on their learning.

We provide both paper-based and online learning so that we can track the progress our children are making in a timely manner and provide intervention where required through 1-2-1 based interactions and video tutorials. We are very delighted to mention that we were one of the first providers to give parents progress REPORTS on all areas of the 11+ which detail areas that need strengthening. Many have followed since, and we welcome this advancement in service for the sector.