11 plus Mock Exams-GL Specification

11 plus Mock Exams-GL Specification

We are delighted to announce we hold our very own 11+ MOCK EXAMS - now open to the public as well as our own pupils. Designed to replicate the real day events your child will encounter - made by an 11 plus exams invigilator - so an accurate experience is guaranteed!

The set of 3 papers through the year will comprehensively cover ALL TOPICS for the GL exam board. Covering all West Midland grammar school; Birmingham, Warwickshire, Walsaal, Wolverhampton & Shorpshire.

We take pride in offering your child a chance to sit an exam paper written by ourselves - never seen before. 

The exam is conducted under examination conditions (at an external venue near Great Barr B43) with audio instructions as per the real exam.

This service gives you an idea of how well your child performs in relation to their peers. A detailed report is provided which breaks down question by question performance.